Sometimes, all you need is a good story. Whether is be your own, or one you hear, the kind that makes you think "Wow, that is awesome!"

Well, that story just happened into my email inbox.
A 3D savvy customer, who used our service to make his own custom 3D reel, was able to share in the experience, by random chance, with one of his favorite bands. It can't get much cooler than that!

Here is Derrick's story:

"A few years back I purchased a Fuji 3D camera, pretty much as a toy to play around with. The 3D pictures are very neat, but not easy to share with friends. About two months ago, I thought to myself "I wonder if there was a way to put the pictures onto View-Master reels?" I did some searching, looking to see if it was possible to do it myself. Too tough! Need to print the photos, cut to size, use a template, etc...forget it! Anyway, I stumbled onto Image3D.
Back in December of 2012 I was with friends front row at Paul McCartney's concert at The Echo Arena in Liverpool. The perfect distance and event to take some 3D photos. They came out great. I decided to use 7 of the best to try out Image3D. For the trial I decided to make a set of two slides and viewer (thinking I could always give one to a friend if it came out great).
By chance, my order was delivered the day before I was driving to Albany NY to see Paul McCartney's return of this OUT THERE tour on July 5th. I threw one of the viewers in my car, and surprised my friends by showing it to them in the car on the journey. They loved it.
Arriving in Albany a day before the show, by chance when we went to the hotel lounge who do we run into? Paul McCartney's band! They are great guys, very friendly. It struck me as a great opportunity to give the extra viewer and reel to Brian Ray (Guitarist in Paul's band). He was surprised he said, "I remember these as a kid!" When he saw the photos, he asked "How did you do this?" I told him about Image3D. He was was very interested, and very appreciative of the gift! It was fun watching the band pass the viewer around and take turns viewing. You can tell they all enjoyed it.
I took more 3D photos at the Albany show, I am better with settings on camera now. May make more slides now that I know how great they turned out!
Thanks! I really enjoy your product!"

[caption id="attachment_9564" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Paul McCartney and Brian Ray Paul McCartney and Brian Ray[/caption]
Photo by Derrick Guzelf

Derrick also received a gift for sharing this story with us! Tell us your story and receive your reward too! Click here.
