How do you make a grand opening party more grand? With a Custom Reel and Viewer to handout to guests! It's a takeaway that not only leaves a lasting impression, but also entices smiles and nostalgia all around.

Take a look at this order by Grupa Capital Park! Their project was for a grand opening event that helped spark conversations and create excitement at the party.

The Reel and Viewer

The reel is a highlight of the new office complex, showcasing things such as an awesome vertical garden, natural light areas, and green spaces.
Eurocentrum Office Complex ordered by Grupa Capital Park

The viewer, of course with their logo imprinted on for a bigger effect.
Eurocentrum Office Complex Viewer Ordered by Grupa Capital Park

The Event

The row of specialty boxed custom made Viewers and Reels to be handed out to guests...
The Favor Row of Custom Made Viewers and Reels

Opening a Customized Favor of a Reel and Viewer Highlighting the New Building

Happily enjoying the customized Reel
Looking at a Custom Reel highlighting the new building

See more pictures from the grand opening here- Eurocentrum Office Complex

Thank you Grupa Capital Park and Eurocentrum Office Complex! Good luck on all your future endeavors!