How do you surprise a loved Aunt and Uncle with a thoughtful gift?
Theresa M, has the answer--- make custom Reels that evoke nostalgia, memories of family, and show off love.
Theresa made two reels that were filled with vintage photographs of family from generations ago, reminding her of the stories she used to hear.
Theresa gives us the story:
"As a kid, I loved view finders. I was always curious to know what surprise I'd see when I'd look into one. As I talk to my elderly aunts and uncles living across the ocean from me (they live in Hungary, I live in the US), I enjoy all the stories to tell me from the past. They enjoy sharing pictures with me, I enjoy seeing them and hearing the stories. This is especially because my mother (their youngest sister) and father were killed in a car accident when I was 13 years old. Ever since they died, I not only enjoyed hearing every story I could about them, I wanted to give as much as I could to those who I still had in my life.
I felt like the view finder was a great gift because it captured he nostalgic feeling my aunts/uncles and I had as we talked about the past and looked through pictures. I felt like my gift showed them that I truly appreciate the time and love they give me. Sometimes there is no better gift to give than one that sends a strong message of complete appreciation, the personalized viewfinder gave me a chance to do that. I was really excited about that:)
I loved that experience so much that I chose to include Image3D in my non-profit company's giveaway. I think more people should know about it. It's a great product.
Here are some pictures of my experience with the view finder. It was a hit!:) I look forward to purchasing more products from you in the future."
After giving her Aunt and Uncle the gift, tears and happiness ensued.
More family members enjoying the custom reels.
Do you have an awesome story to tell about your experience with our custom reels? Theresa received a reward for sharing this story with us! Tell us your story and receive your reward too! Click here for details.
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