Add some pizazz to your next party by using Image3D's custom reels and viewers as decorations!

Yup, you read that right! Use the custom reel and viewer AS decor. It doubles the fun by creating a cool conversation piece while adding to the decor of your party.

Last year for Halloween, we created a reel with photos of old Halloween pictures (with pictures dating back to 1985! super fun!). Then, we couldn't put it in any ordinary viewer! So, we created a scary one that would fit perfectly with our Halloween party theme!

halloween viewer

Then, for Thanksgiving, we created a reel detailing all the things we were thankful for. Everything from family, to love, and pets! We had this reel sitting out with the rest of our Thanksgiving decor for our party guests to look at.

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Thanksgiving decor viewer

Now, it can't get much better for 4th of July and the fact that our viewers come in red, white, and blue! Our viewers made a very festive table top setting filled with fun reels commemorating the Independence Day holiday.

Happy 4th of July

Of course you can also add glitter to the viewers for a fun sparkle!

Glitter Viewers

To make things even better, turn the reels and viewers into party favors!

This would be super cool at a class reunion! You are already surrounded by fun memories...add to it by putting pictures from "back in the day" on some custom reels! Since we have 4 viewer colors to choose from, we are sure to have one that fits your schools color scheme.


Give your viewer some personality. This would be great as the table setting for each guest at an "assigned seating" party. For example, my viewer would have big painted on glasses, seeing that, I would know exactly where my seat was! Then, include a reel with pictures of the guests, even better!

fun face viewer

Not everything is about the decor of the viewer either! Last Christmas we made office decorations by taking old View-Master reels and turning them into snowflakes!

Snowflake View-Master reels

As you can see, custom reels and viewers are not just simply for putting your pictures on for a fun memory! While they surely are all that, they can be so much more as well!