A RetroViewer gift turns into a memorable keepsake for Christin's Mother-in-Law, with special photos of her family.
Christin told us,
"I ordered a reel for my mother-in-law. She lost both of her only grandchildren a few years ago 9 months apart and then her husband 8 months later. So I made a reel with her children, grandchildren and husband on it.
I put the reel in a gift bag with a view-master with underwater sea creatures in it. She opens it and is looking at the reel that is already in it saying, “this is so cool!” I said that we had gotten her an extra reel and put the customized one in it. Needless to say she loved it. Her favorite picture was probably one of her granddaughter that I captioned in 3D with “this is my underwear grandma!” That is the way her granddaughter introduced herself to a co-worker. She would get her grandma to buy her underwear at Victoria’s Secret for her."
*Do you have a great story to tell about your experience with our custom reels? Christin received a reward for sharing this story with us! Tell us your story and receive your reward too! Click here for details.